buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Tyrant Mapper - Historical Leader Comparison style.css header class hero div class hero-content h1 Bad Leader Analogy Generator p Compare modern leaders to 1 million historical figures using AI-powered analysis main section class visualization div class input-container label Describe a leader's characteristics: for leader-input textarea id leader-input placeholder Enter details about policies, actions, and leadership style... button Find Analogy id compare-button class gradient-button div class result-card h1 Compare to: div id loading-indicator class hidden div class animate-spin h-8 w-8 border-4 border-blue-500 border-t-transparent rounded-full p Analyzing leadership style... class mt-2 h1 id match-result class hidden div class plot-container canvas id pca-plot width 800 height 600 footer p Built with data science and historical analysis nav a About href # a Methodology href # a Data Sources href # script.js